Data protection requires all organizations to conduct extensive due diligence when hiring a service provider to destroy personal information of their clients and employees. This information can often be found on many different media. The challenge in complying with this obligation is that most organizations have little time for initial and ongoing monitoring of such service providers. And even if they did have the time, they very likely do not know what to look for. NAID® AAA certification is awarded to service providers who continuously validate that they meet regulatory standards and security through scheduled and even unannounced surprise third-party audits. This is why hundreds of government offices and thousands of private organizations around the world require NAID AAA certification of their data destruction service provider. The choice is simple. Clients can either sort out the legally required initial and ongoing due diligence themselves or rely on NAID AAA certification to verify service provider compliance. Our NAID AAA certification qualifies as your company’s due diligence. Contact Kenwood Records or learn more about PRISM Privacy + and NAID AAA certifications.
Kenwood Records is the only document management facility to maintain both PRISM Privacy + and NAID AAA certifications within a 100-mile radius of their Cedar Rapids, Iowa, headquarters.